Our DARE Festival 5 Shortlist
We've been blown away by the incredible range of submissions for DARE Festival 5! We received a total of 165 submissions from a hugely diverse range of artists from across the UK. It's been thrilling to see the creativity and drive of all these wonderful theatremakers, and to experience the appetite for making playable theatre. Every artist or company who applied will be offered feedback - as freelancers who are constantly applying for things ourselves, we know how vital it is that organisations give properly considered feedback to applicants.
We've shortlisted 14 artists/companies:
- Carla Keen
- Earth Ensemble
- Gavin Maxwell and Sean Hollands
- Isthmus
- Katurah Morrish
- Kevin Shen
- Kirsty Reynolds and Jessica Sanders
- Matthew Gardner
- Seemia Theatre
- Shepard Tone
- ShumGhostJohn
- Speaks of Rivers
- ThisEgg
- Undone Theatre
Of these, we'll be able to offer 6 the seed commission of £1,000, 3 performance slots at DARE Festival, and the chance to take part in our DARE artist development process.