{(set: $points to 0)}
Welcome to the UK!
We hope you'll be part of our high wage, high-skill, high productivity economy.
Do you speak English?
[[No->Not Welcome]]{(set: $points to it+10)}
Jolly good!
Are you self-employed?
[[Yes->Not Welcome]]
<b>GAME OVER!!</b>
You scored $points points under the UK's Points Based Immigration System.
You are not welcome here.
God save the Queen, or something.
//If you've enjoyed this game, why not <a href="https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/9771#!/DonationDetails">make a small donation</a>?//
Excellent! Have you been offered a job?
[[Yes->Skill Level]]
[[No->Not Welcome]]
Is the salary for your new job:
[[Under £20,480->Not Welcome]]
[[Between £20,480 and £23,039]]
[[Between £23,040 and £25,599]]
[[Above £25,600]]
Oh. OK. And you want to be let into the UK, do you?
[[Yes please->qualification]]{(set: $points to it+10)}
[[Let's move on.->qualification]] {(set: $points to it+20)}
[[Let's move on->qualification]] {(set: $points to it+20)}
Congratulations on your job offer!
Is your job at the 'required skill level' set out by the government?
[[What is that, exactly?]]{(set: $points to it+20)}
OK, great.
[[Let's move on->Salary]] Oh well.
[[Let's move on.->Salary]]
Do you have a PhD?
[[Yes, I have a PhD]]
[[No, I don't have a PhD]]
Is your PhD relevant to your job offer, though?
[[Of course it's relevant]]
[[All study is relevant!]]
That's okay. This country has had enough of experts.
[[Did I make it?]] {(set: $points to it+10)}
Aaaand is your PhD in a STEM subject that's relevant to your job?
[[Yes, it is]]
[[No, it's not]]
Sure it is, snowflake.
[[Did I make it?]] {(set: $points to it+10)}
Oooh we like you.
[[Did I make it?]]
OK, nice try.
[[Did I make it?]]
You scored $points points.
You need 70 points to be allowed to migrate to the UK.
(if: $points>=70)[(display: "Welcome")]
(else:)[(display: "Go Home")]
Is your job offer for an organisation on the <a href="https://www.gov.uk/guidance/immigration-rules/immigration-rules-appendix-k-shortage-occupation-list" target="_blank">Shortage Occupation List</a> (e.g. nursing)?
Great question. The government haven't told us yet. Which is a shame, because you'd get a whopping 20 points if you were sufficiently skilled.
So far you have $points points.
[[Let's move on->Shortage Occupation]] Congratulations, you are permitted to enter the UK.
Much good may it do you.
//If you've enjoyed this game, why not <a href="https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/9771#!/DonationDetails">make a small donation</a>?//You are not welcome in this country.
Get back to where you came from.
It would have been nice to have had one of those 'skilled jobs', huh?
Not....y'know....looking after the sick, or elderly, or working in a hospital, or cleaning up after us Brits. Y'know, being one of those key workers who we like to film ourselves clapping every Thursday night. Or making art, or studying for a PhD in a non-STEM subject, or being an international student, or just....earning a living.
Ah well.
Have a nice life. Just do it somewhere else.
[[Try Again->Start]]
//If you've enjoyed this Upstart Theatre game, why not <a href="https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/9771#!/DonationDetails">make a small donation</a>?//(append: ?SideBar)[\
Points: $points/70
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